What Does Your IQ Test Score Tell Your Potential Employers About Yourself

Intelligence is a necessary to live a successful personal and business life. While intelligence can tell us the level of problem solving skills one may possess, or how much information they can retain, they're not always the most adequate predictors of job performance and the potential for success.
Why Employers Test for Intelligence
Pre-employment tests are used to screen potential applicants for certain skills they would use on the job. Some tests include cognitive, work skills, physical abilities, personality or emotional testing. The aim is to determine which candidates will be able to handle the requirements of the position they are applying for, and predict some level of success for both the employee and the business.
IQ vs. EQ in the Working World
Depending on the career, a high level of intelligence is not always required for success. Doctors, scientists, college professors and other professions do require more intelligence than other positions, but simply because a candidate doesn't have scientific knowledge doesn't mean they won't succeed in a business or mechanical position.
For a different focus, some employers are now screening for EQ (Emotional Intelligence) or even Moral or Body Intelligence levels to predict the potential for a candidate's success instead of IQ test. While these may seem like elusive ideals and may be difficult to measure, they can show far more about a potential employee's success level than only an intelligence test.
Emotional Intelligence
Those with high emotional intelligence levels are more likely to be confident, self-aware, and can adapt to various situations with relative ease and find appropriate methods of conflict resolutions. This inner-knowledge and self-control can make for employees who are motivated to succeed, adept at building relationships, and unafraid to approach management with ideas for improvement in processes or product ideas.
While high IQ can be credited with creating new ideas for process improvement and motivation, emotional intelligence shouldn't be ruled out as a factor in how an employee will perform on the job. Many emotionally intelligent people can handle high volumes of stress due to the development of coping techniques they've learned. This makes them excellent moderators, diffusers, and leaders due to their ability to control their own emotions in charged environments.
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Moral and Body Intelligence
Integrity, responsibility and empathy are all characteristics of the morally intelligent, which complements high emotional intelligence nicely. These are all valuable characteristics for an employee, and many times those who are the most successful are the ones who maintain sympathy and forgive errors rather than consistently relying on logic only rather looking at multiple angles for a problem.
Body intelligence is the reflection of what a person knows about their own physical self. This includes how to take care of their body, stay healthy, and encourage others to do the same. Health conscious employees are less likely to be sick, recover quicker when they are ill, and perform well due to proper nutrition, exercise, and rest amounts. The aforementioned things also improve confidence in employees, which is beneficial for both the business and the employee as they work towards mutual success.
Balanced Employees are Best for Employers
When screening candidates for any position, it is best to take measurements of all factors rather than just IQ test. Most emotionally intelligent people also have a high level of IQ, and are often times more well-rounded and adaptable to various situations they find themselves in when working.
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